
This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32337874 places and counting. Learn more about Wikimapia and cityguides.


This city has no description information.

Recent city comments:

  • school maxamud xarbi {x}, sehra Abdi baraki (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    maxamud xarbi schoolkaygi hore aan waxbarashada ku bilaabay
  • suuqa cirtoogte ee black sea, sehra Abdi baraki (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    xaafadeydi X cirtogte alla mxa u xiisay
  • guriga reer ali sheekh, yaser (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    hhh beentaa maaha
  • garaashka xaaji taytayleey, yonis xaji abukar taytayleey (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    waxa u galaaa wadada opposite ka ku ah Hospital lansaleti ee waalida
  • Wadada Jaale Siyaad, Faarah Biil Ibrahim wrote 10 years ago:
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