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Mogadishu recent comments:

  • Iskool Siyaad, nuurkey (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    that's my school i used to love that school and grew up in there remind me wayowayo hadii uu jiro qof degnaa ama dhiganjiray iskuul siyaad ilasoo xiriir bilvaore
  • BIYA DHAC (DACDI WARDHIIGLEEY), name wardhiigleey (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    na neysteyda wardhiigleey xafdeeyda fc buulo waxan jeclahay xafadeyda in lagu dhax arko wabsedkaan near jeex shaleemo
  • Dabaqa Cali Dheere, Muhammad Abdullahi (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Waa Guriga Aama Ceel Ka Gudoomiyaha Ganacsatada Suuqaha Bakaaraha
  • Khalik Mosque, Muhammad Abdullahi (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Waa Masjidka Al Khaliq Ee Ku Yaalay Xaafada Geed Ka Jaceelka U Na Dhawaa sikooska Aadan Cade(Jid Mareexan)
  • Khaalid Tuutuule garaashkiisa iyo Qaras, gaashaanle (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    away reer jarax away reer cali gureey away reer cigale away madoorka xassaney away mowlaca shiikh cilmi away reer xugaale reer ow maxamud away barnch amaan ajansi away garashkii sanbuus ????////
  • Khaalid Tuutuule garaashkiisa iyo Qaras, gaashaanle (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    xafada ma labo qofood ayaa caan ka ah bas
  • Safaaradda Talyaaniga, maxamed (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    waxan ahay soomaali kunool wadanka kuwait lakiin waxaan umalaynayaa in aad itaqaanid aniga magacaygu waa maxamed cawil imaan sharmaake waxaana adeerkay ah hagaasimihii ideecada hornafrik soomalia m.r.cali imaan sharmaake
  • Safaaradda Talyaaniga, maxamed (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    waxaan soomaali
  • Villa Somalia, Abdirahim wrote 15 years ago:
  • Professor/Shaikh:Abdullahi Abdi Rooble, Ahmed (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Waa Guriga Reer Professor Amam Shaikh Cabdullaahi Cabdi Rooble Oo Dhalay Maxamed Cabdulahi Iyo Saleebaan Oo Ka Soo Horjeeda Guriga Reer Maxamed Barre isku Saf Yihiin Dr Januune
  • Waa bartamaha suuqa X/JADIID, Abyan wrote 15 years ago:
    Waa Dhafoos oo ku leh xasuus wanaagsan iyo waayo waayo suuqii xamar jadiid
  • Missigit tunbuluq, indhoos (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
  • Shineemo Wadajir, kadiye wrote 15 years ago:
    waxaa khaldan shaneemo wadjir waa meesha ku dhagan stationka policeka wada uma dhaxeyso .sarta shaneemada wey ku sawirantahay waana midaas ee iska saxa fadlan
  • Iskool Siyaad, kadiye wrote 15 years ago:
    iskuul siyaad iyo shineemo wadajir ayaan ku dhashay
  • Suuq Bacaad (market), Aweys cali Mooto (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Suuq bacaad waa xaafada ku Dhashey o ay ku duugan tahey xudunteyda VIVA Suuq bacaad
  • The Chancery Building., JFT (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    they were largely concrete, so wouldn't burn too well. Just deterioration, looting, general destruction
  • Savoy Centre, JFT (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    and they were both owned (or controlled by) Jirdeh Hussein and/or his family
  • Old French Embassy, Rama93 wrote 15 years ago:
    I met my wife here.
  • warshada ugu wayn dalka somali ee Coca-Colla Facory , ceferistu (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    The factory is still up, i wonder if they still make beverages in there. Against all odds and war, the refreshment of this drink is vital when you push the trigger of your weapon. Always Coca-Cola!
  • Millatary Academy of Jalle Siyad(kulliyadda Jaalla Siyaaad), ceferistu (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Yeah, all of you f*cked up your country for good. I don't know if you ever recover from civil war. The rich countries doesn't give a sh*t about your people. Maybe the humanitarian organization could change something, but they are affraid of getting in there. Is unsafe to even fly by over there.